Seating Charts: Don’t Let It Intimidate You


No matter how big or small your wedding reception will be, you need to come up with a seating plan for your guests. This is so you can assure that everyone will have a seat reserved for him during the big day. At the same time, this is a great way you can have your guests organized during the reception.

While there are some people who feel intimidated about creating the seating chart, there is a way on how you can make yours without any worry. Here are some tips that you should follow for an easy seating chart:

Number of Guests: Before you come up with the seating chart, you need to have an estimate on the number of people you will invite to your big day. Even though you haven’t sent out the invitations yet, you need to list down the people who you want to be a part of your wedding.

Type of Seating Arrangement: Once you have already come up with the number of guests you will invite for your wedding, make it a point to check out the different options on seating arrangements. With this, you will have to check how many people can sit in one table. This is a useful way you can start creating your seating chart.

Wait for Confirmations: Contrary to common belief, it is perfectly alright to start creating your seating arrangement a couple of weeks before the big day. The reason for this is because you will have to wait for the confirmation of your invited guests on whether or not they will be attending your wedding. If you have also allotted a plus one for them, this is the time that you list it down to confirm your guest list.

When you’re ready, you can start listing down names for people who will be seated in each table. Make it a point that the people who you list down on a table can easily relate to one another so that they will not feel bored throughout the reception. You may call us today for a tour of our venue. This will give you a heads up on how you can set up your tables for the guests to sit on.

Ways To Create Your Wedding Table Plan

It can be like a military planning exercise – you and your fiancé hunched over a table, shifting little flags around a map, deciding who will sit where at your reception. Creating your seating plan can be much easier if you decide on a organizing principle at the start.


  • Matched tables can ensure that your guests are seated with people they know. This would mean putting all of your co-workers at one table, your college friends at another, and so on.
  • Mixed tables are great for encouraging mingling. For this type of seating, you’ll need to consider personality types and interests to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
  • Family tables can be an easy way of seating your guests if most of your guests are coming as family groups.
  • A kids’ table can be great if there are enough children of roughly the same age. However, small children should be seated with their parents, and older children might resent being with little kids.

However you decide to seat your guests, working with an experienced venue like the Black Horse Inn can make organizing your reception much easier. Find out more of what we offer by giving us a call!